Antibacterial, antioxidant and cytotoxic studies of the essential oil and ethanol extract of aerial parts of artemisia rutifolia steph.ex. spreng
Научная публикация
Журнал |
journal of pharmaceutical research international
Вых. Данные |
Год: 2022,
Том: 34,
Номер: 9A,
Номер статьи
: 80743,
: 8
Ключевые слова |
Artеmisiа rutifolia Sfeph.ex Sрrепg; essenfa/ oil; antimicrobial; antioxidant апd cytotoxic activities, |
Авторы |
Amarjargal Ayurzana
Jambal Irekhbayar
Boldkhuu Nandintsetseg
Batbayar Bayarhuu
Romanenk Elena P.
Shatar Altantsetseg
Организации |
1 |
Department of Chemistry and Biology, School of Natural Science and Technology, Khovd State University
2 |
Department of Chemistry, School of Arts and Sciences, National University of Mongolia (NUM)
3 |
Department of Geography and Geology School of Natural Science and Technology, Khovd State University
4 |
N.N. Vorozhtsov Novosibirsk Institute of Organic Chemistry of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences
5 |
Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, Mongolian Academy of Science
Mongolia is ricii in medicinal plants. In recent years, interest in plant-derived food additives has grown. This study was aimed to evaluate antioxidant, cytotoxic activities of aerial parts ethanol extracts from Artemisia rutifolia Steph.ex Spreng grown in Mongolia. The essential oil composition variability of A.rutifolia Steph.ex Spreng aerial parts collected from three different slopes of Kharkhiraa mountain was assessed by gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC/MS). Chromatographic analysis of A.rutifolia Steph.ex Spreng essential oils showed the predominance of monoterpene hydrocarbons represented mainly by santolina triene, p-myrcene. The antioxidant and cytotoxic activities of the essential oil and ethanol crude extracts were determined by using DPPH and MTT assays. The antioxidant activity of A.rutifolia Steph.ex Sрrеng ethanol extract is 2.12 times higher than the antioxidant activity of the essential oi|. The essential oi| of A.rutifolia Steph.ex Sрrепg with а concentration of 150 mg/mlоr 3pg/disk inhibits the growth of S.елtеrlса 9.З t 0.76 mm, в.suЬfl/us 10.3 t 0.58 mm, S.аurеus 9.6 t 1.5 mm and has а mоdеrаtе bacterial activity. The results clearly showed that the essential oil presented satisfactory cytotoxic activity against two human tumor cell lines HepG2 (human liчеr сапсеr cell line); AGS (humап stomach сапсеr cell line). Оur wоrk rечеаlеd that the ethanol extracts and essentia| oil of Дrtеmisiа ritifolia Steph.ex Spreng grоwп in Mongolia has potential as sоurсеs of new antioxidant, and cytotoxic compounds, respectively. Essential oil of Д.rчtifоliа Steph.ex Spreng contains caryophylline-7.19% and саrуорhуlliпе oxide-5.82%, so the essential oil at а dose of 25 mg/ ml inhibits the grойh of human stomach сапсеr cell (ДGS). The results of the study wеrе ceftified Ьу the utility model certificate of "Soap Frаgrапсе Еliхir" with the registration пumЬеr 20-003068.